About Us

Tabanka isn't just a Caribbean food store; it's a taste of island warmth nestled in the heart of Canada. Our story, like many good island stews, begins with a sprinkle of longing, a dash of determination, and a heaping helping of family love.

Years ago, our founder, Dion, crossed the ocean from his sun-kissed Trinidadian home to Canada. While Canada embraced him with open arms, a piece of Dion's heart remained behind in the vibrant flavors of his childhood. Missing the aromatic curries, the soul-warming roti, and the infectious island spices, he started whipping up batches of Trinidadian magic in his own kitchen.

Soon, the delicious aroma wafted beyond his tiny apartment, drawing in friends and neighbors like moths to a flame. One by one, they fell in love with Dion's cooking, their praises echoing the familiar rhythms of Trinidad. And that's when the spark ignited. Tabanka was born – not just a store, but a bridge between two worlds, bringing the spirit of the Caribbean to Canadian tables.

We are a small, family-run enterprise, fueled by passion and fueled by Trinidadian spice. Our shelves burst with everything you need to recreate Trinidad's culinary symphony – from marinades to chocolates to pepper sauce.

Tabanka isn't just about food; it's about community. We are a gathering place for islanders yearning for a taste of home, and Canadians curious to explore the vibrant spices and soulful rhythms of the Caribbean. Our store is your invitation to join the liming (that's Trinidadian for hanging out!), share stories over steaming plates of doubles, and lose yourself in the infectious call of steel pan music.

So, whether you're a Trini transplant or a Canadian adventurer, step into Tabanka.ca and let the warmth of our island embrace you. Let us guide you through the aisles, introducing you to the symphony of flavors that is Caribbean cuisine. Because at Tabanka, it's more than just food; it's a taste of Trinidad, a sprinkle of sunshine, and a whole lot of love.

Come, lime with us!

Welcome to Tabanka.